Tag Archives: blisters
Knowledge base Life story
Gentle heavy-metal chelation and detoxification with nano-zeolite spray.
It’s true, I love new stuff. I’m highly enthusiastic about flexing my brains with new [...]
Continue reading →Oct
Knowledge base Life story
How I beat my atopic dermatitis (eczema)
I decided to take the plunge. To be bad to myself. And seriously. The decision [...]
Continue reading →Oct
Knowledge base
How to clear up congested sinuses?
When sinuses are seriously congested or completely blocked, the popular techniques of irrigation in standing [...]
Continue reading →Oct
Knowledge base
Beat viruses with vitamin C!
How to quickly beat viruses at the beginning of an infection? In short: 1. on [...]
Continue reading →Sep
Knowledge base Life story
How I regained my sense of smell – forensic pathology in humanity’s service
I was recently shaken by the movie ‘Concussion’ with Will Smith playing an unmoved in [...]
Continue reading →Aug
How I beat my atopic dermatitis (eczema)
I decided to take the plunge. To be bad to myself. And seriously. The decision [...]