Recently, we’ve been receiving more and more enthusiastic reports proving how vitamin C is truly indispensable for the proper fetus development and well-being of the mother.

I’m head over heels, with my eyes watery each time I hear more first-hand news supporting dr Klenner’s conclusions, I’ve been relentlessly sharing with all pregnant women around me, that increased intake of vitamin C while pregnant, and expecially in the third trimester, decreases the risk of neonatal jaundice, and can fight off the existing one in a matter of hours!


Pregnancy as oxidative stress
To paraphrase dr Klenner’s words: in order to counteract pregnancy-induced stress, women require vitamin C supplementation. Minimal required doses will vary with individual, but you can follow the general rule of 5 grams a day in the first trimester, 10 grams in the second, and 15 grams in the third.
Vitamin C seems especially crucial for the proper generation of mesenchyme (embrionic connective tissue) – it is first developed at the first embrionic stages, then turns into a virtual ocean in which all human cells are submerged. In adults it weighs up to 15 kg, and its main job is to transport oxygen and nutrition into the cells, and to expel waste products out of the body.
The needs of a growing child compete with the needs of its mother. If necessary, the little one will suck all vitamin C deposits from its mother’s tissues and blood, and they don’t last too long anyway. Once everything is used up, degeneration begins in both of them.
This is probably part of the reason why high doses of vitamin C work so brilliantly in the treatment of recurrent miscarriages. In his medical practice, dr Klenner was able to take women who had had as many as five spontaneous abortions without a successful pregnancy and carry them through unproblematic pregnancies, all thanks to high doses of vitamin C. Klenner believed you could prevent genetic errors in developing babies by taking daily a minimum of 10 grams of vitamin C before getting pregnant.
Vitamin C decreses the risk of infection, which in itself is crucial at the moment of conception, but it’s equally vital to the proper formation and functioning of connective tissue, bones, teeth and blood vessels. In conclusion, if the very pregnancy is a burden to the mother’s organism, prevention of essential nutrients deficiencies must be prioritized in order to secure safe development of her baby. Human beings do not produce vitamin c, so it’s necessary to supplement with the most assimilable form possible.

Extraordinary benefits of vitamin C supplementation in pregnancy
Having analyzed 300 pregnancies and births of his own patients, Klenner concluded that failure to use sufficient amounts of ascorbic acid by mouth in pregnancy borders on malpractice. He himself advised his obstetrical patients to take 4 – 15 grams a day (1st trimester – 4 g, 2nd trimester – 6 g, 3rd trimester – 10 g). Some 20% required a dose of 15 grams a day in the last trimester. ‘Eighty percent of this series received a booster injection of 10 grams, intravenously, on admission to the hospital. Hemoglobin levels were much easier to maintain.’

Additional benefits:
– only 3% of Klenner’s patients reported leg cramps;
– if any of his patients ended up with stretch marks, they were mostly attributed to their problem with too much eating and placid lifestyle;
– Klenner’s patients did not experience postpartum hemorrhages;
– the very labour was shorter and less painful;
perinuem was amazingly elastic and did not tear – episiotomy was performed in just a few cases;
healing was quick, and if the woman kept their postpartum supplementation on a high level, her perineum regained elasticity of a primigravida (and stayed like this even 20 years after having the last child provided she continued her daily supplementation of vitamin C);
– neither of his patients required catheterization;
– there are no notes about any incidences of toxicity of such supplementation in those 300 women;
– neither of the women experienced cardiac stress during labour, though 22 of them suffered from rheumatic hearts. (In one patient it was particularly spectacular as she’d been warned by other OB that she would not survive a second pregnancy. Of course, the first time she did not take any ascorbic acid, while the second went by with no complications. Not only did she survive it, she also returned to her job as a teacher for another decade. She still takes 10 000 mg of vitamin C per day);
– all babies born after a mega-dose vitamin C pregnancy were particularly strong and robust;
– not one of those infants needed resuscitation;
– not one had feeding difficulties (the only quadruplets alive in those days (The Fultz quadruplets) were among the 300 too, and they drank milk since day 2, which was almost miraculous; on first day they were given 50 mg ascorbic acid, then the dose was steadily increased as they grew);
– Klenner was particularly proud of a certain couple’s 10 children delivered to them healthy and beautiful, with not a single miscarriage.

In fact, all infants under Klenner’s care were born strong and healthy and were frequently referred to as “Vitamin C Babies” – the hospital personnel argued they were distinctly different, even at the level of calm curiosity right after hopping out.

I can’t describe how happy I am that thanks to increased levels of vitamin C, more and more young Moms call me to say how ‘miraculously’ their hospital stay was shortened. It’s the same scenario each time: ‘The baby had jaundice, they said we’d stay for at least a week, but then I remembered your advice, started drinking I teaspoon of your syrup every hour and the jaundice was gone the next morning. The doctors said it was strange, but released us and we went home.’
I’m reading the report and thinking that maybe, just maybe, all my miscarriages were preventable and all those little ones in later stages of pregnancies could be rescued too?
Maybe the fact that the whole skin on my belly got red stripes one fine May night could be prevented?
Maybe my postpartum hemorrhages, gum bleeding and other ailments didn’t have to happen, or could at least be minimized?
Maybe I didn’t have to teach my oldest daughter to suck for the first 6 weeks (and almost lose my mind in the process)?
I will never know, while there’s more children waiting for us in heaven than those who decided to stay with us 🙂
But you, dear Moms, OBs, Midwives and Doulas, you are much more educated today. You have the internet, access to tons of materials and real life stories and I sincerely hope you’ll make good se of it all.

And I can’t wait to hear more good reports. I truly like to make little jumps and sniffs, surprised by a joyous news in the corner of a store 🙂

PS If you’re pregnant, please try to guide yourself with the rule of daily 5 grams of vitamin C in the 1st trimester, 10 grams in 2nd, 15 grams in 3rd.
PPS If you didn’t take extra vitamin C for most of your pregnancy, but your due date is close, do not despair – you can still try to quickly rebuild at least your serum levels, but please build the dose slowly, eg. increasing it by 1 gram every day.
PPPS If you just had a baby (congratulations!), and it suffers from neonatal jaundice while they’re threatening to keep you at the hospital for at least another week, don’t wait for anything! 1 teaspoon of Anna’s Bee C (1000 mg vit C) every 30 minutes up to bowel tolerance, and 1 teaspoon every hour afterwards while nursing as soon as possible – from our reports we can hope that your baby’s bilirubin level will plummet within a day tops.
We will be thankful to hear your report too  🙂

Some of dr Klenner’s notes can be found at: and

And the best vitamin C in the world you can buy here

6 thoughts on “Klenner Report: vitamin C in planning and going through pregnancy

  1. Kalyani says:

    Hey Anna – can the vit c be taken all at once or does it need to be taken in intervals? I have been taking 5 grams at a time, not hit bt.

    • annabee says:

      Bowel tolerance is reached at different levels, depending on your current condition, but I personally prefer to do saturation at intervals, as it makes more sense to me. Vitamin C is water soluble, so it gets out of the system pretty easily, and we also know that its serum level drops by 50% every hour, which is a lot. So I have experienced the best results in our whole family and friends, when we go with 1000 mg every 30 minutes until bt is reached. Sometimes it’s there after 6 grams, sometimes it’s not there after 26 grams. It all depends what you’re currently fighting and at what deficiency level you started.
      However, there are people who do this much more aggressively, and go with 5 grams an hour.
      I personally think it’s not necessary in most common infections, as you’d literally pee most of it. It might make sense with cancer and poisoning, however.

  2. chana says:

    i took two grams of vitamin c to prevent an infection after having sinus pain, but now have pain in my uterus. i don’t think vitamin c is safe during pregnancy in higher doses than regular. why is my uterus hurting all the time, since starting to take vitamin c. i am going to have miscarriage??? it feels like it. 🙁

    • annabee says:

      If it’s a legit question, you’re asking the wrong person. Whenever something is bothering you, you need to see your doctor and get examined.
      There is no way to determine what’s causing your uterine pain over a comment, but if you truly believe it’s due to the 2 grams of vitamin you took, I’d rather suggest it could be the effect of an early stage of diarrhea irritating the uterus and causing discomfort. It’s not unheard of.
      In any case, if you’re worried, you need to see your doctor asap.

  3. Emma says:

    Hi Anna, just found your site. I’ve been reading a lot of Dr Klenners work and that of others too. I’m convinced of the benefits of high dose, AA having experienced it myself, I believe it helped regulate my hormones and menstrual cycle. Interesting post.

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